Linux Client

Mooshak Linux Client #

Mooshak Linux Client uses sshuttle internally and it just handles what arguments are passed to sshuttle if ran with or without websocket tunnel.

Requirements #

To use Mooshak linux client, you will need to install python interpreter installed on your system(tested on 3.8, but 3.6+ is enough).

Installation #

First, clone the repository or download it as a zip and move it into directory of your choice. We assume this directory is called mooshak.

  • Open terminal and navigate to mooshak/clients/linux directory.
  • Start a new python virtual environment: python -m venv venv
  • Activate the newly created virtual environment: venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuration #

Navigate to mooshak/clients/linux and create a new file named client.json.

Edit this file and replace the sample below with the values of your choice:

  "server": "",
  "username": "test",
  "port": 2255,

server is ip address or hostname of the remote ssh server. username is for ssh user and you will be prompted for the password. port is remote server port.

To use Websocket tunneling try below example:

  "ws": true,
  "ws_server": "wss://your_host",
  "ws_path_prefix": "mooshak",
  "ws_listen_port": 6000,
  "username": "test",

The value of ws_path_prefix should be the same one as in Nginx path configuration on server side, however this field is not mandatory.

Running client #

Navigate to mooshak/clients/linux from terminal and activate the virtual environment using venv/bin/activate.

Then execute python connect to connect to the client and use Control + C to disconnect and exit.

You will need to keep the application open since there are no daemon services running as mooshak client on your system.